Joining the FFUK Community

If you are a person of colour working in the UK Funding Sector and want to join our community please email


Why is a network like Future Foundations UK important?

FFUK is primarily a safe space for People of Colour working within foundations. We want to continue to bring people together to share and support one another and continue to grow as a network.

From our members we have learnt that power and privilege in the Foundation sector impacts our own and our collective wellbeing. There are few People of Colour in this sector and we are all minorities within the organisations we work in. This is especially so for those of us who are women, disabled, LGBT+ or from other marginalised backgrounds and communities.

This experience is often isolating and there are not many spaces that bring us together or enable us to connect with one another, including across generations. Many of us would benefit from relationships with one another for learning, support and solidarity.

A common experience amongst our members is that a race equity lens is not considered within the funding space. This often leads to our members acting as the sole minority or marginalised voices fighting for and on behalf of their communities in these spaces.

Being a part of our community

We currently hold regular community building sessions that focus on wellbeing and support, research and advocacy and learning and sharing best practice. Our community is also involved in activities that support increasing sustained and collaborative funding to People of Colour.

It is up to you how you want to get involved and engage with the community and our activities. You may just want a safe space to connect with other people of colour working in the sector, or you may want to drive change in the sector through our advocacy work.

Just drop us an email and someone will get in touch.

artwork by Ipsita Divedi for Fine Acts (cc)